In televison 3D moddeling is used in mainly used in adverts. Here is a esample. London 2012 Olympics Games BBC TV advert official. In this advert all the character is made with 3D modelling also some of the enviroment also made with 3D modelling too. The mountains, the grass floor and the sand. - This is the link to London 2012 Olympics Games BBC TV advert official.
In the past, 3D model still haven't been use in films, but now almost every movies uses 3D model. One of the movie uses a lot of 3D model is called Avatar. In that movie, almost 80% of the film are created by 3D models. Picture below shows a screenshot of the movie. In this screenshot everything is created and animated with 3D models, planes, environment, robots, animal etc. It takes a very long time just to render a 30 second scene from the movie, that is why created these kind of movie with a lot of 3D model, it cost a lot of money. - This is the link to Avatar 2013 Trailer.
Modern games everything are made by 3D modelling. Games like Grand Theft Auto. In Grand Theft Auto player can explore in a huge 3D world that created by 3D software. Player can move around in the game world how ever they want. By car, bike and plane or any vehicles that are available in the game. Everything in the game are created by 3D model. Unlike in that past in some game they uses texture for walls. Most of the 3D model before they are create they always plan or hand draw out first how the model will look like and then create it in 3D software. But there are also different way of planning 3D model. For example taking a real life person and create him into a game character.
Picture below shows a comparison between real life person Francisco Randez and main game character Desmond Miles from Assassin's Creed game. It amazing how technology improve by time. Before there not even a 3D game, most game are all 3D. By time past, the technology gets better and better. Now days all the games are all created by 3D software.
Modern anime also uses 3D modelling as well, but they dont use 3D modelling for the whole anime or scene. They only render specific objective in specific scene. Here is a example of an anime called Gundam UC. The anime is 1 hour long each episode and in this anime almost half of the anime has a 3D model in it. Picture on the left is a screenshot from the anime. As you can see the Gundam are a 3d model, that is animated and fill with anime texture which make the model looks like anime.
Education also uses a lot of 3D modeling, like simulators game. There are a lot simulators games right now. This is one of the easier way to teach visual learners as they would
understand it more. people can download applications or simulators off the internet to
use at home and study them. One of the most use simulators are air plane simulator game, it is use to train leaner air pilot. Good reason simulator games are better than trying in real lift, is because no matter how much you fail in a simulator game, you can always try again. In real life you might calls problem if you did something wrong and it might cost to repair the equipment.
Here is a link to a farming simulator game - Here a link of Farming Sim 2013 (Learn how to become a good farmer!)
Shaders are a small computer programs that uses in the final output of a 3d model, appearance in the graphic pipeline. There are two types of Shaders. Pixel Shader and Vertex Shader. Both of these shader are GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) component.They both uses in the final output render of the 3d object. In modern video games Shaders are used a lot to create a range of output effects to a 3d scene or to a 3d model.
Pixel Shader
Pixel Shader is a graphics processing function, it also known as Fragment Shaders, they are used to show lighting and shadow effects on individual 3d objects or the whole scene view. Simply is to make the 3d objects or the entire scene looks more realistic. The pixel Shader calculates the colour of a pixel on the screen, basically if you looking at a picture on your laptop. Pixel shader calculates what each colour is on the picture, then showing the picture on the screen.
Vertex Shader
vertex shader is also a graphics processing function, it's uses to add special
effects to objects in a 3D environment by performing mathematical
operations on the objects' vertex data. Each vertex can be defined by
many different variables. For instance, a vertex is always defined by
its location in a 3D environment using the x-, y-, and z- coordinates.
Vertices may also be defined by colours, coordinates. Vertices may also be defined by colours and textures.
Today I have started to make the shoulder. To make the shoulder, I created a sphere because that is the
shape of my robot but I will need to cut a bit of a side, so I created another
shape, which is a box. I moved it to the sphere where the part I wanted to cut.
Select the object you want to keep not the one you want to cut or delete. Then
I changed standard primitives to compound object. Then click on
“pick operand B” then click on the object you wanted to delete or cut
As you can see here.
The sphere has been cut and I move it into the robot. But more importantly I’ve
reduce the polygon. Because I have the limits of 1500-2500 polygons also
because some part of the shape you can’t really see it so is better get as less
polygon as you can then you won’t have a large file for the NPC.
Next Stage I started
to make the arms as you can see that the left. First I did made the right side
then I made another copy of the shoulder and moved it to the right side of the
robot. Lastly I created the arms joints; it is the two small purple spheres
that I’ve selected it.
After that, I created
the arms and legs. It is very simple to make the legs, just by using cones and
sphere with no modification on it. To the arm it is very easy too. I used the
Star tool created a diamond shape then I extrude, then I made another 2 copy. I
made one of the copies longer and the other stay the same, then I put them all
into place. Then I group them, made a copy of the arm, and then moved it into
left arm put it into place. Lastly I have reduced the polygon. Lastly I’ve
changed the colour of the robot, because the robot is made up of copper so I
give an orange colour.
The next stage is the feet. To create the feet
of my robot is very simple. I used line tool draw out the shape of the feet at
side way view, then I extrude it and made 3 copies move them all in place.