Pre-Production Dairy
Today I have started to make the shoulder. To make the shoulder, I created a sphere because that is the
shape of my robot but I will need to cut a bit of a side, so I created another
shape, which is a box. I moved it to the sphere where the part I wanted to cut.
Select the object you want to keep not the one you want to cut or delete. Then
I changed standard primitives to compound object. Then click on
“pick operand B” then click on the object you wanted to delete or cut
As you can see here.
The sphere has been cut and I move it into the robot. But more importantly I’ve
reduce the polygon. Because I have the limits of 1500-2500 polygons also
because some part of the shape you can’t really see it so is better get as less
polygon as you can then you won’t have a large file for the NPC.
Next Stage I started
to make the arms as you can see that the left. First I did made the right side
then I made another copy of the shoulder and moved it to the right side of the
robot. Lastly I created the arms joints; it is the two small purple spheres
that I’ve selected it.
After that, I created
the arms and legs. It is very simple to make the legs, just by using cones and
sphere with no modification on it. To the arm it is very easy too. I used the
Star tool created a diamond shape then I extrude, then I made another 2 copy. I
made one of the copies longer and the other stay the same, then I put them all
into place. Then I group them, made a copy of the arm, and then moved it into
left arm put it into place. Lastly I have reduced the polygon. Lastly I’ve
changed the colour of the robot, because the robot is made up of copper so I
give an orange colour.
The next stage is the feet. To create the feet
of my robot is very simple. I used line tool draw out the shape of the feet at
side way view, then I extrude it and made 3 copies move them all in place.
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